Inclusive Citizenship in Partnership with Adyan

USPEaK had an agreement with Adyan Foundation to give the training on Inclusive Citizenship which is their product. Adyan delegated the task to 4 trainers who trained in six regions. We believe that this training is a must for all Lebanese citizens as it:

  1. Introduces the concept of active citizenship
  2. Helps in understanding challenges for an active role
  3. Distinguish between real and illusionary challenges
  4. Identify entry points of interference to make a change
  5. Expand the circle of influence
  6. Adopt the attitude of the “change agent” not the “victim”.

Discussions were around how we all have potentials that we can activate and how we become involved in public life stressing the importance of the nation and the role of an active citizen in the development of the country. The trainers showed ways used to overcome obstacles and expand the circle of influence they might have.

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