The ceremony started with the Lebanese and American National anthems. USPEaK President, Rawan Yaghi focused in her speech on the success of this program and the goals attained in “language acquisition, livelihood, economic empowerment and women leadership”. She also congratulated partners, teachers and participants for the collective responsibility in working towards the success of the program especially in the attempts to Countering Violent Extremism. U.S. Embassy Beirut Public Affairs Officer, Ellen Peterson, congratulated the 320 graduates from 14 diverse Bekaa communities, noting the “8,000 graduates since ‘Teaching Women English’ began in 2008,” and emphasizing that TWE is more than studying English. “You have shown your children the importance of learning and loving to learn. You improved your skills and build networks of knowledge and contacts. You expressed your opinions in Arabic and in English. Less than two months after the Lebanese army defeated terrorist groups along the eastern border, we come together to celebrate diversity, peace, cooperation, independence and freedom.” Ms. Peterson emphasized the importance of these values and pledged U.S. Embassy support for the program as a symbol of the long-standing friendship between the United States and Lebanon. A big cake that carried the logos of the Embassy, USPEaK and TWE 2017 was cut on the stage. USPEaK gave Mrs. Peterson a thank you trophy. Then Certificates were distributed along with trophies to the teachers and partners. The General Security, Internal Security forces were represented along with the Director of CIMIK. 12 Mayors attended the graduation and general public
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